Celebrating a Quarter Century of Special Projects

Celebrating Capsule’s 25 Years in Thinking, Planning, Creating and Doing.

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Research is as research does

A serious series on research.

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Get Off Your Asterisk and Start Something

Making the most of Twin Cities Startup Week

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Stories Worth Remembering

Memory is a fickle thing, does your story stick?

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Depth of Personality

Recycle the polyester suit.

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Capitalizing on Contextual Awareness

Representing unique moments through messaging.

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A Return to the West

Going to Outdoor Retailer tradeshow during a pandemic.

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Are you still using taglines, or a more targeted approach?

How headlines can help you hit the bullseye more accurately.

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Function, should we talk at this junction?

A more responsible package, designed to deliver more sales.

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Personality is part of what a package carries

Is that Double Cross vodka in your Hydro Flask?

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Could Christopher Columbus navigate your packaging?

Helping shoppers chart an easier course in the navigation of your packaging experience.

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Does this packaging make my footprint look fat?

A more responsible approach to packaging design.

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Do fences matter in intellectual property?

Why you need to start from a distinct plot of intellectual property.

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What makes a name memorable?

Why it matters for your brand to be memorable.

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When is a brand name irrelevant?

The importance of relevancy to your brand name.

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Introducing: Adam Brady

Our newest Capsule Crew Member (and Research Associate), Adam Brady opens up about life, love and the pursuit of brands.

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Why is naming so f*%king hard?

Three things to know before you start to name anything.

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Capsule is On the Move

See where we're replanting our creative roots.

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A Familiar Story in Naming

Do you have a familiar naming story to share?

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Now What Do We Do with Intangible Assets?

Brands in a merger or acquisition.

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Is the Inside Reflected Out?

When internal changes signal outward change.

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How is Your Brand Aging?

Repositioning, new opportunities and the age of your symbolism.

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How is Your Brand Mark Functioning?

Your mark isn’t working in a modern economy or mediums.

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Is Your Mark an Anchor or a Sail?

How to tell if your mark isn't working for you.

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No disrespect to MC Hammer, but...

Can Touch This.