The Minneapolis College brand design image of college students in bookstore.

Minneapolis College

the challenge

Minneapolis Community and Technical College came to Capsule looking for a better way to communicate its vibrancy, diversity and academic rigor. As a reputable institution devoting over 100 years to enriching lives and contributing to the fabric of the Twin Cities, Minneapolis Community and Technical College wasn’t getting the recognition it so rightfully deserved.

The Minneapolis College brand design logo with community and technical added over white background.

the solution

Following extensive interviews, focus groups, brand workshop sessions and survey intakes from more than 600 stakeholders, Capsule identified a cohesive brand strategy based on the perceptions and experiences of the people who make the college what it is – an internationally sought out, academically rigorous, financially and geographically accessible institution located in and central to the livelihood of Minneapolis.

The Minneapolis College brand design logo on signage for main building on campus.
The Minneapolis College brand design on sweatshirt being worn by college student smiling.
The Minneapolis College brand design logo on street banners in purple with blue sky background.

a vibrant system

The updated system introduces secondary colors alongside its core purple identifier, balancing the school’s heritage with renewal and bold energy. The updated visual identity system additionally utilizes dynamic and unifying patterns, curvature and overlays to add a fresh and cohesive energy to the brand.

The Minneapolis College brand design logo guidelines with purple and white cover.
The Minneapolis College brand design logo guidelines interior spreads of pages in book.


"Capsule’s creative, technical and research-based approach to developing our new brand resulted in resounding acceptance and excitement! Finally, Minneapolis College’s visuals depict its unique mission of providing access to the transformative power of education in a diverse and dynamic downtown environment. The Capsule team delivered a thorough process and well-thought-out brand elements while keeping the project on its timeline and budget." — Deanna Sheely, Chief of Staff and Communications Officer

The Minneapolis College brand design logo applications in brochures, buttons and a seal.

the impact

Minneapolis College excitedly presented the new brand with engaging launch events that invited students, faculty and the community to celebrate the collaborative initiative in Spring 2018. The 2018/19 school year was also accompanied by an unveiling of can’t-miss signage along Hennepin Avenue.

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