Capsule Smartwool Ride To OR

Two Wheels To #ORshow: Smartwool #RideToOR

Two Wheels To #ORshow is a three-part blog series from co-founder and managing principal Aaron Keller to talk about what happens when #weareOUTDOOR. Follow along with us as we have conversations surrounding outdoor, branding and designed moments.

The SmartWool ride to Outdoor Retailer is a perfect example of brands living the mission, getting outdoors and doing something for the environment. So, what is keeping other brands from doing this?

Perhaps they don't want to copy the SmartWool team? I don't know this for sure, but I think Mark Satkiewicz would take it as a huge compliment if other brands set up competitive rides to the show. I am certain he is proud to have started this ride, but starting a movement is a whole different level of pride in accomplishment.

Perhaps they don't know if they'd find enough qualified riders? It isn't a race and the levels of riders varies from extreme athlete to brand new rider. It works for SmartWool, and I'm certain any brand can find advocates, friends and interested parties to make this ride happen. Like everything it starts small, but now SmartWool has to limit the riders due to hotel capacity on the route.

Perhaps they see it as an extraordinary expense? From what I know most riders pay their own way and from what this rider can ascertain from six years, this isn't a huge expense on the SmartWool marketing budget. And, the social media engagement, valuable conversations and relationships built certainly outweigh any expenses.

My suggestion to any brand considering this idea, ask Mark or anyone from the ride. Even if you form a new version of the same idea, like a mountain bike ride into the show or an ultra marathon (this might have limited draw), or even just a four day hike, the idea is the same. Do something to burn calories, get outdoors and amplify the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Short view of the climb from day one SmartWool #RideToOR

A video posted by aaron keller (@aaronjkeller) on

Jul 30, 2016 at 3:50pm PDT

Next step, contact Iconic Adventures, they are the most amazing event planners and support team any money can buy. They have seven years of experience doing this with SmartWool and can maximize the positive outcomes from any event heading into the Outdoor Retailer show. After talking to someone who has been on the ride, Iconic is your next call, you won't regret it.

Contact if you'd like to discuss design, the adventure of this ride or the asset value of your brand, and follow along with us on Twitter and Instagram.

Meet the crew. #RideToOR #roadtoOR Top of Wolf Creek Pass. Onto SLC.

A photo posted by Outdoor Retailer (@outdoorretailer) on

Aug 1, 2016 at 2:48pm PDT

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Categories Business & Marketing, Branding, Capsule News, Work

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