The Lake One brand campaign coastline aerial photograph for campaign.

Lake One Digital


Lake One Digital was seeking to re-explore their well-traveled brand identity and web experience. The digital marketing agency tasked Capsule with locating the “X” on the map that would better match with their voyaging brand personality, while also authentically articulating their core purpose: helping clients develop streamlined strategies for sales and marketing growth in simple, yet strategic strokes.

Mark + Visual Identity

The mark pays homage to the Arrowhead Region of Minnesota, a geographic setting shaped by the wilderness of the Boundary Waters and in which the brand’s namesake lake is located.

Purposeful ambiguity is employed in the mark to allude to the arrowhead, as well as associations with other voyager adjacent themes, such as a northern pine, a compass point or a pitched tent. Ambiguity in the mark gives a purposeful nod to the varied tools and paths Lake One has to offer its clients on their journeys towards future growth.

The Lake One Digital brand design logo on translucent background.
The Lake One brand logo design stacked over blue background.
The Lake One Digital brand logo design directional arrow in yellow.

As the corporeal "Lake One" is an entry point into Minnesota's greater Boundary Waters region, the north woods inspired mark design further broadcasts an adventurous approachability in actively spearheading meaningful exploration.

The original “Lake One gold” was maintained and augmented with the addition of a signature blue hue that energizes the overall brand look and feel with an active and modern tone.

The Lake One Digital brand logo design old versus new logo.


Heady strategy and technical terminology were given an approachable new spin with messaging that assumes the tone of a seasoned backwoods explorer. New messaging offers a playful nod to the Lake One name and its hands-on approach in helping clients navigate the trailheads of digital transformation and sales growth.

The Lake One Digital brand campaign design billboard Smoother Strategy in Simple Strokes.
Lake One Digital brand design campaign social media art Don't Throw Darts. Chart Courses.
Lake One Digital brand design campaign social media art Trade Upstream Paddling.


The trailblazing brand messaging and identity were further applied to a completely refreshed web experience. The woodsy look and feel was charged with modern and technical graphic treatments to communicate the idea of simplicity in the face of complexity. Name inspired imagery such as canoes, cabins, or maps were heavily stylized and given a hit of color to perfectly balance an overall experience that celebrates future-focused exploration without losing sight of the brand’s digital roots.

Futuristic fonts were utilized in large scrolling headlines and motion-heavy modules to add a sense of dynamism and forward progress throughout the site. Graphic elements throughout the site feature shapes born from the unique letterforms of the typeface for a more cohesive visual language.

Lake One Digital brand design website interface on laptop.
Lake One Digital brand design campaign with animation and scrolling words.
Lake One Digital brand design campaign on iphone app screens on blue background.
Lake One Digital brand design campaign website scrolling words and iconography.
Lake One Digital brand design campaign website shown on laptop photo with dark background.

The impact

The rebrand and refreshed web experience have been successfully launched and stand as a bold, yet approachable invitation to Lake One's audiences to get off the shoreline, grab an oar, and begin paddling towards fresh tributaries of transformation and growth.


As a founder your brand becomes personal. I've struggled to find success evolving our identity in a way that felt authentic and captured the spirit of Lake One as it grew from a me to a we. Capsule was the only team able to bring it home. From the mark to the language it all just landed and we couldn't have gotten there without their thoughtful guidance. — Ryan Ruud, Founder & CEO

Go ahead, push our buttons.
