CAP Blog Inside Out A 1

Is the Inside Reflected Out?

When the inside of an organization is going through a change dramatic enough to make it outside into the public domain, it may require some changes to the mark. Similar to understanding a stock on the market, the volume of change is more important than whether it is negative or positive. While most want a positive or upward movement in a stock, the degree of change is what matters to the symbolism interpreted in the brand mark.

What this starts to create is a spectrum of change over time. As an organization evolves, adding new offerings, inventing new products and refining old experiences, the perceptions of the brand internally change relative to the external marketplace. As a member of the internal team, you might find yourself in a place where customers, consumers and other stakeholders don’t see what you’ve done inside.

As an organization moves along the spectrum of change it becomes less of an opportunity and more of an obligation to signal a change. For the sake of shareholders, customers or consumers who should know there’s more to the business than they’ve seen. For the sake of customers or trade partners who might not see how much has improved. And, for the sake of consumers or end users whose interactions are nascent and shallow, and may not see how modern and relevant your brand is in the current economy.

These are times where internal changes should be reflected externally with the appropriate symbolism. An ideal example of this change is the Minnesota Orchestra. It started with a dramatic remodel of Orchestra Hall as the first note played to initiate a rebrand effort. Then, the musicians strike and eventual reconciliation with management became the larger “all together now” change that would be reflected in the new brand mark.

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The design of a circle around a circle, using the cubes as a design element reflected what made Orchestra Hall and the beautiful music conducted within to bring people together. The symbolism within the symbolism became an icon to identify a moment in time when everyone came back together for the greater good of orchestral music.

Internal change brought about external visible change to the brand mark. External changes brought people back to the sounds of the orchestra and inspired others to seek out this beautiful experience.

If you have made internal improvements that need an external signal of change, we can help you get started with a conversation.

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Categories Business & Marketing, Branding

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