Reese’s Pieces Impressions


Categories Branding


As we approach the 35th anniversary of the release of "E.T. the Extra Terrestrial", I am reminded of one of most memorable brand moments of my life.

The year was 1982 and it was the month of June. Summer was unofficially underway. I was 11 years old and at my first movie without my parents. Freedom! I met a group of my friends at the movie theater across town to watch E.T. It was THE movie event of the summer. And more importantly, the movie was promoting a relatively new candy. We were all familiar with Reese's peanut butter cups - however, Reese's Pieces was virtually unknown (especially outside the U.S.)

My friends and I sat in excitement and munched on Reese's Pieces along with our popcorn. We watched intently as Elliot used Reese's Pieces to lure E.T. from his hiding place in the woods and build a relationship with his new friend. Elliot and E.T. found each other with help from their favorite candy and as we watched from our theater seats, we experienced that connection visually and physically. We didn't know it then, but we were experiencing a profound brand moment. A moment that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

When I think back on the fond and not-so-fond memories of my adolescence, eating Reese's Pieces while watching E.T. is up there. What's one of the most impactful brand memories you have?