Rave name

Naming an Apple

How does an apple come to be? Well, it's all in the name of course! The University of Minnesota, the birthplace of beloved apple varieties Honeycrisp, Zestar!, SweeTango, Frostbite and more, approached Capsule with the need for a name for the future new kid on the produce block. After several rounds of brainstorming, the name "Rave" was born.

"Rave is a powerful brand name for apples, and one that we know will leave a lasting impression on consumers, especially after they bite into one.” -David Bedford, research scientist for the UMN apple breeding program.

When the opportunity to name the next apple passed through the doors at Capsule, everyone wanted in on the project. How often does one have the opportunity to name the heir to the Honeycrisp fortune? Naming, like any branding project, can be a hard and grueling process. Creating an open environment where nothing is off limits and every word discussed has value is essential in order for every team member to think creatively and without restrictions. Often, several rounds of brainstorming sessions are required in order to reach a list of strong names.

"Creating a name is not even the most difficult part of naming a company, product or service - it is creating a name that is unique and trademarkable. There are over 300,000 US trademark applications per year. To put this in perspective; a typical college dictionary contains only 80,000 words. Every naming project brings it's own set of challenges, and we have had the fortunate opportunity to work with some amazing clients." - Brian Adducci, Creative Principal

As a result, even when you think you've struck name-gold, the perfect name must also pass legal muster, which is not always an easy feat. A name must be protectable, memorable, and relevant in order for it to add value to the brand. This takes a lot of time, creativity, and coffee. Despite the pressure, the Capsule team rose to the challenge and withheld nothing.

“We are beyond excited about the chosen brand name of our newest star apple. The Rave apple has explosive flavor and with its early harvest timing and dessert qualities, it will reinvent the month of August for the apple category,” said Stemilt marketing director Roger Pepperl.

Rave is expected to hit the market as early as this August, and we can't wait to see how the up-and-comer lives up to its name. For more guidelines on choosing a great brand name, check out Aaron's article in Entrepreneur.

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Categories Branding, Naming

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