Capsule Intern Kyle

Inside the Capsule: Intern Spotlight on Kyle

Meet Kyle Peterson, our new Business Development and Marketing Research Intern. In this versatile position, Kyle partners with our research manager while also suggesting new ways to reach a broader clientele base through applying his education to drive new business in innovative ways. Kyle comes to us as a Full-Time MBA student from the University of St. Thomas, where he is also studying to earn two business certificates in Digital Marketing and Business Analytics. Apparently Kyle is not a fan of free time.

Kyle also brings a background in commercial Interior Design where he designed sweet buildings for 4 years after receiving his undergraduate degree from Iowa State University.

Business and Design. We think he’ll do just fine here.

Outside of school and work, Kyle brings a wide range of interests to the team —sports, watches, bowties, funky socks and even martial arts. With a strong desire to “try anything once,” in combination with not wanting to be held back by his fears, he decided to jump out of an airplane at 10,000 feet. Never mind that he is not a fan of heights. “Why not?”

It’s boring to be normal, we get it. And also appreciate how he gets us. He describes Capsule as an immersion of minds strategically selected for a new way of thinking. Yep, fun people and fun clients.

We have been impressed by Kyle’s initiative and are eager to see his contributions. “Good design is good business and my hope is to support bringing the two entities together in a unique, yet effective way that can alter the marketing landscape.”

Welcome to the Capsule, Kyle.

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