Go Inside to Save the Outside
At Capsule, we believe in the power of the outdoors to transform one’s health, happiness, and well-being. Our team is comprised of a number of outdoor enthusiasts who camp, hike, bike, and support the outdoors. As a result, Outdoor Retailer marks one of our favorite times of year. We are fortunate to have built meaningful relationships with brands and individuals doing innovative and engaging things in the outdoor space.
Five of our Capsule team spent three days exploring this massive show, meeting with old friends and making new ones. With nearly 10 years of experience at this event, what stood out the most to our team were the efforts being made on behalf of our favorite brands to preserve and protect the environment.
Kelly sums it up nicely: “Our economy depends on a healthy outdoor environment - and not just this industry, but our global economy depends on it as well. And, if the rational approach doesn’t help you see it, try taking your dog for a walk in an environmental disaster area. The outdoor industry and those who live outside are the frontline of this effort, and it is a noble one.” Kelly Leighton, Capsule
We are blown away by the efforts of our favorite brands and friends; Patagonia, The North Face, Katadyn, (to name a few) that are working to protect nature and future generations through environmental advocacy. "Patagonia has been a particularly strong voice reminding people that public lands belong to everyone, such as Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante. In my opinion, if no one fights for these protected lands, the future generations will not have anything left of it. These deeply loved brands have the power to make a difference beyond that of individuals.” Greg Brose, Capsule
This gathering of over 20,000 people demonstrates a force of passion for environmental responsibility that we find truly inspiring. The brands who thrive in this area come with equal parts passion, product and personality. We were honored to among this crowd and help save the outside.
Thank you,
Aaron Keller
Capsule, Founder
Author, The Physics of Brand