High Rock Capsule 1

Designed by You, Built for Life.

How do you captivate today’s consumer, who wants customization and personalization for any product? How does a specialty retailer compete with the big brands and mega-retailers that provide this, and turn a profit at the same time?

That was the question New Normal Consulting was asked after being approached by Hexa Recreation Products, a high-end international manufacturer of premium customized goods. After extensive research to determine the best approach, New Normal approached Capsule to bring their kiosk concept to life. The custom jacket kiosks would be displayed at two boutique outdoor stores: Ute Mountaineer in Aspen, Colo. and Midwest Mountaineering in Minneapolis.

After several design concepts and 3D models were rendered, a sturdy yet condensed prototype was built. The sleek kiosk was designed to give the shopper confidence in this innovative, custom shopping process. On two sides of the kiosk, sample jackets in various sizes are housed in acrylic tubes to help the user find their perfect fit. On the front, a stunning 42-inch touchscreen monitor shows a pre-roll video of jacket features and customization possibilities. Touch the monitor and you’re in the interface designing your own jacket. The messaging and graphic design elements, created by Capsule, gave the brand a physical place to live on the kiosk. The compact, interactive, and portable kiosk offers tactile elements designed to enhance the custom ordering process. Check out the short video that has been made to show how it works.

“Designed by you, Built for life", created by Capsule, is the official tagline for the project. Each kiosk user has the unique opportunity to create a jacket that is completely custom to them, including arm length, fit, jacket color, and zipper location - and will also last a lifetime.

With Chandler, Earthling Interactive, and Crash + Sue’s, this revolutionary concept was taken from dream to reality.

It’s still early in the process, but initial reads are that this is a home-run with the customer experience and an entirely new way for specialty retailers to achieve customization with just-in-time ordering in a cost-effective and profitable manner.

Capsule’s extensive experience in the outdoor industry, along with our knack for designing unique experiences, are two of the many reasons this project was rewarding for the whole team.

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