We’re here to share…
We are at FUSE each year to share the stories we hear from speakers and the audience. We are on property to share, so our fuel is what our ears pick up in conversations.
This means we have to throw-off our “cloak of introvert” for three days and enter into as many conversations as we’re able. If you’re at FUSE as well, all we ask is that you meet us halfway in a conversation and share anything interesting happening in your world. We’re really good listeners.
Here are five of the themes we’d love to share.
1. Where have you seen design make a fiscal and/or visceral impact on a group of people? We are always looking for great design stories, but only if they’ve made a notable or measurable impact.
2. Where you’ve seen brands, design thinking or business making a positive impact on the global good of humanity. I know, sounds like a high bar, but it is really done in small ways that spread like a positive virus.
3. Interesting founder stories of brands that have reached their curve of exponential growth. We believe there has to be a design genius behind each of those stories, so we’re always curious to hear.
4. Relationships between marketing, brand, design, research or any other discipline in an organization offer rich soil for stories. If you’ve witnessed great results from healthy relationships between disciplines, we’d love to hear them.
5. Dramatic and seemingly insurmountable marketing challenges you’ve faced or are facing soon — the more challenging, the more interesting to our ears.
Reach out in any medium, (though we rarely use Facebook Messenger anymore), we will do what we can to connect for a handshake or conversation.
And, if you see Kelly Leighton and myself (Aaron Keller) twiddling our thumbs and not conversing with someone, feel free to remind us what our purpose is here.
Our purpose is to live an over-sharers lifestyle, for three days.
Thank you,