Physics of Brand Review: Tobias Puehse
How great would it be if your day-to-day job was managing innovation? More so, how great is it that the current marketplace demands this job at all? Tobias Puehse holds this role on a VP level at MasterCard, and was kind enough to review our book through his impressive futuristic lens:
“Physics of Brand demystifies the interactions of brand and the real world in contemporary and thought provoking ways. It contemplates ideas about the future while being deeply rooted in factual evidence of today. Most importantly, the book will give you the tools to accelerate the velocity of your brand.”
Tobias Puehse
Vice President, Innovation Management at MasterCard
Tobias recently helped launch MasterCard's Start Path Global initiative, which is a 6 month program for selected start ups to receive operational support, brand partnerships and investment. The program only recently went global to provide more geographically diverse exposure for the start ups, and opportunities to build partnerships with more established players.
On a similar note of innovation enthusiasm, our author Aaron Keller will be attending and blogging for the Front End of Innovation conference in Boston next week, along with our director of ditial strategy Angela Dirks. Their first bit of coverage can be found here. Follow along next week, Tuesday - Thursday for more insight.
For more insight on brand innovation, you can still pre-order the Physics of Brand and receive an early copy of Chapter 1: