Endorsement Blog Underhill

Physics of Brand Review: Paco Underhill

From the science behind "Why we Buy" to the art of "What Women Want," Paco Underhill knows a thing or two about consumer psychology. His background, interestingly enough, was molded by his passion for urbanism and optimizing the environments in which we live. That translated into a career in behavioral research when he launched his New-York based consultancy, Envirosell. Being that his book, "Why We Buy" was translated into 27 languages, we thought he would have solid ground to stand on when reviewing our book:

“Finally, a Branding tome for the Donald Trump haters of the world: Truthful, lushly illustrated, with a thread of rye humor. Best read at lunchtime when you are most awake, and ready to intake sensible business nourishment.”
Paco Underhill
Author, Why We Buy The Science of Shopping
CEO, Envirosell

Paco's most recent book "What Women Want," explores how the changing status of women is affecting the physical world we live in. Where do we cast our vote?!

Thank you Mr. Underhill for the great words of encouragement.

Pre-Order The Physics of Brand today and receive an early release of Chapter 1.

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