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Newton's First Law, A Rebrand Story

We’ve all felt a little cooped up lately. For longer than we’d care to be. Routines have been interrupted and plans have been brought to naught. But even in this sluggish era, momentum has the ability to build. We’ve seen it firsthand here at Capsule.

If you’re doubtful of our grasp on physics, just look at one of it’s founding fathers. When Isaac Newton had to lock himself away in quarantine from the plague, he emerged at its terminus having invented calculus. As we’ve recently found ourselves in a similar situation, we decided to get inventive as well.

We rebranded.

Sure we didn’t invent a complex new form of mathematics to induce panic attacks in adolescents the world over (you’re welcome, by the way) but we still think what we did is worth noting.

For 21 years, Capsule has never ceased moving, whatever the present circumstance. Our scrappy team has served brands big and small in almost any industry known to human existence. We’ve unflinchingly tackled whatever brand challenge that has presented itself because we’ve learned that as long as you keep the momentum of a collaborative conversation going, no problem is colossal enough to withstand the creative apple that will inevitably strike it on the head.

Our new brand identity is an often overlooked and underappreciated symbol. The humble speech bubble. That unsung hero of a shape that begins important discussions, asks profound questions, and adds a note of levity to otherwise dire situations. The icon that serves as an impetus for moving a story forward.

Because after two decades, we’re unashamedly committed to just that.

Pushing seemingly immovable challenges uphill through thoughtful discussion. Producing solutions to the confounding, befuddling and strange with curious queries. And leaving something better behind than what was left to us through exceptional dialogue around design.

In other words, moving the conversation forward.

It's just good physics.

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Categories Branding, Capsule News

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