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Introducing: Taylor Colt

Our newest Designer and Capsule Crew member, Taylor Colt, opens up about life, love and the pursuit of brands. Or at least, two of the three.

What brings you to Capsule?

After college I worked at a few different agencies in Lincoln, NE and here in Minneapolis. I was just ready to find a place that would push me that step further to continue growing as a designer

Tell us about how you became interested in design!

I was a Biology major for a year and half, and in that time I was playing in bands and doing some other things that sort of cemented in my head that I wanted to do something creative for a living. Design seemed like the most practical way to do that and I just fell in love with it in school and never looked back.

What experiences do you bring to Capsule?

Most of my agency experience revolve around branding and identity projects, but working in small agencies I got great experience in a lot of different areas of design.

Well... Now that we've gotten to get to know you a bit more professionally, it's time for the personal question lightening round!

What's the most awkward movie you've ever seen with your parents?

Titanic maybe? I was like 9, I don’t know what they were thinking.

On a scale of Jingle All the Way to Fargo, how Minnesotan is your accent?

I grew up in Northern Iowa so it’s not too bad, maybe a 5 out of 10. But I still “Ope” without thinking.

What brand is your dream client?

Most of my dream clients are tied to working in industries I’m personally interested in. I’d love to do the identity for a soccer team, the vinyl packaging for an album, skateboard deck illustration, brewery branding & can design.

Which 90s sitcom transcends time and still gives you the warm fuzzies?

Does the Simpsons count? I never missed it after school.

What’s your life motto?

When life gives you lemons, paint that sh*t gold.

Any hidden talents you’re ready to expose?

I’ve never been beaten in a shoe tying race.

How old do you think Tom Cruise actually is? Like really…

As old as the stars themselves.

What song will you never EVER skip?

Reckoner - Radiohead. An absolute bop.

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