Introducing: Ericha Hager


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Meet Capsule's newest Crew Member; Senior Experience Strategist, Ericha Hager.

Our newest Senior Experience Strategist and Capsule Crew member, Ericha Hager, opens up about life, love and the pursuit of brands. Well... at least, two of the three.

What brings you to Capsule?

I was drawn to Capsule's small but mighty approach to brand development, thought leadership cultivation in the industry, and dedication to curiosity. I also wanted to be part of a smaller company with the opportunity to learn and stretch across disciplines.

Tell us about how you became interested in design!

I came to design a little sideways through my career in international development and global health. The projects that energized me the most involved using design as a strategic tool, such as translating interesting but incredibly dense datasets into engaging visuals to unlock their impact potential, and seeing a significant uptick in the use of self-testing HIV kits in Kenya after the packaging design was made more appealing to the target audience. My experience with rebranding the large global health organization where I most recently worked cemented my interest in design and influenced my decision to pivot more directly into this line of work.

What experiences do you bring to Capsule?

I have a diverse background and set of skills relating to marketing, communications, and project leadership. My last role was as a marketing strategist at a leading global health organization where I developed marketing initiatives with country teams to increase regional positioning. In my tenure, I've also run internal creative agencies, been a brand manager for a large international NGO, and managed digital strategies for a fortune 500 tech company. Through these roles, I've had the opportunity to work on meaningful side projects, such as producing a documentary with people with albinism in Tanzania to be used as a peacebuilding tool, and building out a digital security toolkit for human rights journalists. Curiosity and the drive to connect with others, and to do good work and be good to work with, underscore all of my experiences and will continue to do so at Capsule.

On a scale of Jingle All the Way to Fargo, how Minnesotan is your accent?

None! I'm an (annoyingly?) proud Oregonian, so I have a "neutral" accent. Although I am noticing my vowels beginning to stretch the longer I live in Minnesota...

We’re not going to judge or anything… but what’s your go to Karaoke song?

These Boots Were Make For Walking by Nancy Sinatra

Ramen or Sushi?

Sushi. All day.

What brand is your dream client?

Cotopaxi, Planned Parenthood, Oiselle

What’s your social security number?


What’s your life motto?

Fake it 'til you make it. Truly. Imposter syndrome is real, but having the confidence to walk into situations that felt over my head have lead to some of the best moments and outcomes of my life.

Best SNL cast member of all time. Go.

Tina Fey

What song will you never EVER skip?

Paper Planes by MIA

Scariest monster? Don’t say ghost. Mine is ghost.

Possessed child. I saw The Exorcist at way too young of an age and have never fully recovered.