Austin Headshot Edit

Inside the Capsule: Intern Spotlight on Austin

Capsule is excited to introduce our newest team member, research and marketing intern Austin Selness! We learned more about him through a fun “mad lib” exercise. Check it out!

The name is Austin Selness but you can call me just Austin I guess for short. I work at Capsule as a Research & Marketing Intern , aka it’s my job to help uncover what makes brands unique, assist in drumming up new business, and smile while I pretend I know what I’m doing. I’m from Cologne, MN , also known as “Where?" and my background is in advertising & psychology (the friendly, noninvasive kind).

When I’m not at work you can find me hiking state parks or cracking up at my incessantly hilarious inner monologue. My go to karaoke song is Tequila by the Champs because I only have to sing one word. My favorite brand is Warby Parker - I desperately hope my eyesight gets bad enough to warrant needing a pair of their glasses someday.

Something weird (but really cool) about me is that I can say I’ve filled in last minute for an improv comedy performance in front of over 1,000 people… it went pretty well. One thing I’m particularly passionate about is seeing new places and trying new things - whether it's taking the backroads home or planning a trip to the next foreign country on my bucket list.

If I could put one item into a time capsule to tell the future about what my life is like in 2018, it would be my DVD copy of The Other Guys because it’s hilarious and it’s going to hold up for generations… guaranteed.

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