Maddi C BW

Inside the Capsule: Intern Spotlight on Maddi

Meet Maddi, our social media intern. Maddi comes to Capsule as a recent graduate from the University of Northwestern - St. Paul, where she studied PR and mastered the art of eating mac and cheese for nearly every meal.

Life motto?
When in doubt, dance it out.

What is your favorite social media platform and why?
My favorite social media platform is definitely Instagram. It fosters creativity and community in a unique way that is really appealing. It’s also the only platform that provides exclusive photos of Taylor Swift’s life, so naturally it’s my fav.

What do you bring to the Capsule team?
I make really good crab dip and excellent playlists.

Who is your favorite actor or actress?
I absolutely adore Jennifer Aniston – "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" is my favorite TV show of all time.

What is the first word that came to mind when you think of Capsule?
Cap-tivating! (ha ha ha)

Do you have any pet peeves?
I hate when people talk on the phone while ordering at a restaurant or coffee shop, I used to be a barista and people used to do that to me all the time.

Go-to karaoke song?
I would rather be a hype-person (for Beyonce preferably) but if I had to narrow it down to three, I would probably choose either "1999" by Prince, "Stronger" by Kanye West, or "Believe" by Cher.

Favorite food?
Chipotle is my love language. Put guacamole on anything and I’m in.

Favorite Olympic event?
I love watching gymnastics, swimming, and beach volleyball. Simone Biles is my role model, so I love watching her compete.

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