Capsule Seeks Designer

If you can nimbly hop between work in the real world and digital realm, we want you.
Forget walking and chewing gum at the same time, Capsule needs someone who takes acrobatics to the next level, simultaneously balancing dreaming, thinking and doing on a trapeze of multiple projects and tight timelines. Currently, Capsule is seeking a designer who has so adeptly mastered the physical world that they’ve moved into building their experience in the digital design realm.
Ideal candidates are creative thinkers whose daydreaming brains still maintain a firm footing in reality to produce strategic and contextual design solutions. Excellent presentation, interpersonal, organizational and project management skills are a must. And, experience with packaging never hurt anyone. As a fellow Capsule crew member, this person must be able to work within a cohesive team while also being able to fly solo from time to time.
Did you read the above without collapsing into a nervous breakdown? Take the next step and read the full job description here.
Please apply to Sarah Day at
Please, no phone calls or drop-ins.