Thinking Fast and Slow Capsule Design

Capsule Library: Thinking Fast and Slow

So many books, so little time. In our Capsule library series, we will feature a few of the books found inside the Capsule library, from our Encyclopedias to our childrens books. Our first feature is on "Thinking Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman.

In "Thinking Fast and Slow", Daniel Kahneman examines the two processes that govern the way we think: system one and system two. System one is our emotional, immediate reaction, while system two is our more rational, delibrate thoughts. Kahneman analyzes the merits of system two, and how slow thinking can benefit both our business and personal lives.

So, why is it in the Capsule library?

We know that buying behavior is a combination of rational and emotional decisions, and every aspect of design and strategy factors into impacting those crucial decisions. "Thinking Fast and Slow" provides understanding about the brain and how we make decisions, and we always factor system one and two when we are designing.

"I’ve met Daniel Kahnman and he doesn’t seem like a guy who would write something that would make you question free will, but he did. His work on system one and system two thinking is profound and troubling. We believe we’re rational beasts and system two is in charge of how we make rational decisions, but in fact system one is the default system. While this seems benign now, if you read the book and consider the unconscious influences on system one, down the rabbit hole you’ll go too. Mr. Nobel Prize Kahneman is the nicest guy to meet and listen to in a lecture, but you’ll need some high sugar drink while you consume his book. Then, when you get to the section on glucose impacting courage and grit, it will all be self evident." -Aaron Keller

However, the presence of our cognitive biases poses the question: how in control are we when it comes to our decisions? At OmniShopper this year, our very own Kitty Hart asked Daniel Kahneman if given the presence of all of our cognitive biases, we really can make our own decisions, Kahneman responded, "Are you asking if we have free will? Because I can't answer that."

[Blurry because along with being the Hart of Capsule... Kitty is a Daniel Kahneman fan girl.]

If you've read "Thinking Fast and Slow", we would love to hear your thoughts.

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No disrespect to MC Hammer, but...

Can Touch This.