Capsule 18: People that Inspire Us


Capsule18 People

In celebration of turning 18 this year, the Capsule team takes a look at some of the things we have learned on our journey to adulthood. This week, our Capsule 18 highlights some of the people that inspire us.

In celebration of turning 18 this year, the Capsule team takes a look at some of the things we have learned on our journey to adulthood.

This week, our Capsule 18 highlights some of the people that inspire us.

18. Paul Rand, Designer

Highly regarded as one of the godfathers of design, Paul Rand was an American graphic designer, best known for his corporate logo design, including the logos for IBM, UPS, Enron, Morningstar, Inc., Westinghouse, ABC, and NeXT. He was one of the first American commercial artists to embrace and practice the Swiss style of graphic design.

17. Elizabeth Gilbert, Author and Speaker

The author of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic launched a podcast last year called Magic Lessons, where every week she invites an established creative professional to share advice with someone who has written to Elizabeth sharing their creative struggles. "Whenever I find myself stuck on a project – I listen to an episode of this podcast and I learn something new. The conversational nature between Elizabeth and the guest allows for easy listening, and the relatability of the writers allows me to take away something new every time." - Maddi, Marketing and Project Coordinator

16. Alain de Botton, Author

"Alain de Botton is a truly original thinker. When I read his books or hear him speak I am always left with a new way to think about something I thought I already understood." - Emma, Designer

15. Lizzie Velásquez, Motivational Speake

Our Director of Client Experience, Kitty Hart takes inspiration from the remarkable and resilient Lizzie Velásquez. Lizzie was born with a rare neonatal progeroid syndrom, causing visual impairment, innability to gain weight, and physical deformities and as a result, bullying from peers and strangers. Now a motivational speaker, author, and YouTube sensation, Lizzie uses this tough history with bullying as fuel to live life to the fullest, embrace her indivudality, and inspire others. "She has succeeded despite remarkable odds. If I’m ever down, I pull up her Ted Talk or any number of other video clips. She was put on this earth with a very specific purpose and mission. To rid the world of hate. I love this woman".

14. Nelson Mandela, Activist

"I am always in awe of the level of poise and humility shown by Nelson Mandela throughout his life. After devoting nearly 70 years of his life to peaceful, nonviolent anti-apartheid initatives and racial equality efforts in South Africa, 27 of which were spent in prison, this man chose to practice forgiveness and reconciliation towards the very people who discriminated against him in order to continue to fight for institutional and social change. Nelson serves as a powerful example of selflessness and resilience that inspired a country and the world. " - Ellen, Marketing and New Business Intern

13. Peter Seitz, Designer

Peter Seitz is a German born graphic designer who was responsible for bringing the ideas and ideals of European Modernism to the upper midwest in the 1960s. Our Creative Principal, Brian Adducci was heavily influenced by Seitz: "Peter Seitz is one of the most influential graphic designers to ever work in Minneapolis and I had the honor of having him as a professor at Minneapolis College of Art and Design."SaveSaveSaveSave

12. Dan Harmon, Writer and Television Producer

Dan Harmon is a writer and producer who created (and co-created) the shows Community and Rick and Morty. Both of these shows are tirelessly creative, unique and always trying something new. He manages to create shows that are entertaining and funny, while exploring human nature and complex concepts in a way that make you think differently.

11. Chuck Close, Artist

Chuck Close is an American artist who has focused much of his career on large scale, painted portraits. "I am personally drawn to his earlier work, which are photorealistic, black and white portraits. I find the attention to detail mesmerizing and am inspired by the dedication it must take to create something so exacting and lifelike." - Kayla, Designer

10. Alan Watts, Writer and Speaker

"'Introduction; Nothingness' by Hayden Calnin is my bed time story." - Aaron, Managing Principal

9. Marc Johns, Illustrator

He illustrates “serious drawings” and has a seriously great sense of humor.

8. Yvon Chouinard, Founder, Activist, Author

After realizing he could make his own climbing gear in his parent's garage, Yvon Chouinard started Patagonia and began making other apparel. Since 1965, Chouinard has never wavered from his original mission to "build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis." Patagonia's dedication to the environment and staying true to their mission is at the center of every aspect of their products, including the packaging we worked on.

7. Renee Marino

The Physics of Brand co-author and former rocket scientist continually inspires us with the unique lens through which she sees the world.

6. Tommy Caldwell - Rock Climber, Alpinist, Author

Tommy Caldwell has set first ascents for some of the most difficult climbs in the world. While his trade is not design, his approach for climbing is centered around repetitive hard work, strategy, and endurance. All traits are relevant to what we do as designers - strategically working through problems though they may be difficult, and seeing them through to the end.

5. Tina Roth Eisenberg - Design Thinker, Entrepreneur, Business Owner

Tina is the founder of the design blog, Swiss Miss, Tattly, and Creative Mornings, a world-wide lecture series for creative individuals. She is an inspiration in her entrepreneurship, her leadership as a woman, and the vibrant, playful spirit she brings to everything she touches.

4. Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepreneur

"He built a 1 million+ following and successful multimedia company from nothing. His blunt and dynamic vlogs can rub some people the wrong way, but I find a lot of inspiration and motivation from them. He offers actual advice that is beneficial for someone who is just getting started in their career or wants to change direction." - Maddi, Marketing and Project Coordinator

3. Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Author and Speaker

"Sheryl Sandberg is an inspiring woman, leader, and human being. I am continually inspired by the candor, courage and optimism with which she approaches her career and life." - Emma, Designer

2. Princess Diana

"I have always loved Princess Diana. Not because she was a Princess or that my Mom got me up at the crack of dawn to watch her get married – but because she had the most amazing compassion for people and acted on it. That character trait has always impressed me the most. She showed compassion to men with AIDS in the early 80s by shaking their hands when most people wouldn’t go near them." - Petra, Production Manager

1. Daniel Kahneman, Author, Pyschologist, Speaker

Noble winner and behavior economist Daniel Kahneman wrote the book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" in 2011. The book, which explores the different ways humans think (labeled System 1 and 2) had an influence on many of the thinking and principals behind the Physics of Brand.
