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Past Event

Why Change a Name?

A portion of what Capsule does, on a regular basis, is naming. So, as you might imagine, when we started exploring a new name for Think & Link, things got a little intense. Last year, our last in person Think & Link was in February of 2020, after that we were forcibly dispersed into a virtual world. We walked into a pandemic with a speaker series that attracted about 50 guests a month in our kitchen, standing room only. Then, gathering became taboo, so we planted one foot in the past and adjusted our view with a step in a new direction.

We kept one part, “Think & Link” and added a new element to represent the current situation, “Pants Optional.” This became a point of much needed humor, to add a note of levity to the weighty year that 2020 turned out to be. But, like any good temporary thing in life, we had to adjust to the mood of our audience as the situation we all found ourselves in began to look less temporary and more like an entirely new world.

Our new name, Think & Link, Brand New World is an optimistic nod to what 2021 will bring. Despite the dystopian reminder of what we’re all currently enduring, Capsule believes this Brand New World we find ourselves in is the perfect one for innovation, adaptation and exploration. As we’ve now done for over a decade, we’re committed to bringing you direct connections with those innovators, adaptors and explorers through our newest iteration of this speaker series.

We hope you enjoy this next, shall we say, season of Think & Link. Our guest list continues to amaze us. We’ll be covering subjects as diverse as modeling, trades, fashion, and vodka; that’s just in the first quarter.

Design is everywhere and making an impact on everything.

Let’s design a better, Brand New World.

  • Date

    January 21, 2021

    2:00 AM CST

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August 18, 2022

Think & Link with Jeffrey Morris and Kevin J. Anderson

Jeffrey Morris and Kevin J Anderson join us to share inspiration and insight.

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February 23, 2023

Think & Link with Erin Levzow and Anne Mezzenga

Erin Levzow and Anne Mezzenga join us to share inspiration and insight.

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