Gray Plant Mooty
Legal institutions are just that, institutional. They are organizations that carry with them the hefty history of their respective locations, including industrial changes, civil uprisings and new eras. But does an institution necessarily need to look institutional? Gray Plant Mooty doesn’t think so, and we agreed.
For those in the legal profession, experience is a much sought after and lauded attribute, and as the oldest law firm in Minneapolis, Gray Plant Mooty has truckloads. When you’ve been practicing law successfully for decades like GPM, experience becomes your selling point. However, the word “experience” doesn’t always do its owner the justice deserved; it can be translated to be old, boring and stodgy. And too often, the look of “experience” also falls short of impressive. GPM is anything but boring, but their brand language was.
“Capsule was instrumental in redefining the look and feel of marketing at Gray Plant Mooty. They strategically guided us through the rebrand of the firm, an initiative that helped to update our presence in the legal service marketing space. We highly respect them as marketing partners and look forward to continuing to work with their team in the future.” — Elizabeth Lockett, Director of Business Development + Marketing
Capsule created an identity that has been fully embraced by the lawyers and staff at GPM, which is quite a feat given the firm’s lack of significant change in the previous 15 years. The attorneys feel it elevates their brand image, conveys their innovation and most importantly — it fits the firm. Several clients, and competitors, have commented on the new advertising and marketing initiatives as well.