Capsule18 Logos 01

Capsule 18: Logos We’d Get Tattooed

In celebration of turning 18 this year, the Capsule team takes a look at some of the things we have learned on our journey to adulthood.

With 18 years of age comes many new freedoms - you can vote, gamble, buy a lottery ticket, enlist in the army, and get a tattoo. This week we've decided to get *tatted up and imagine what brand logos we would each get tattooed.

*Disclaimer: no tattoos were actually produced in the process of this blog post.

18. Coca-Cola

Location: Arm

Creative Principal, Brian Adducci chose the Coca-Cola logo for its classic look and presence in the world. "Tattoos are an example of modern day social branding. Like brands, they have a personality that communicates a unique story. Tattoos are also permanent. The Coca-Cola is one of the few logos in the world that will never be redesigned. No worries about a Tattoo cover-up. Timeless heritage."

17. Mobil

Location: One face forward on the top of my left foot, and a second facing forward on my right.

The Mobil gas horse was chosen by our Associate Creative Director, Greg. "I have always appreciated the gracefulness and energy, especially it was introduced in 1930s . I would tattoo two of these on my feet."

16. Penguin Books

Location: Inside of arm

"The Penguin Books logo is a great mixture of charm, history and familiarity. As someone who loves to read, I could definitely be convinced to get this little guy" - Kayla, Designer

15. University of Wisconsin - Madison

Location: Bicep

Account Manager, Rachel chose the UW-Madison "W" for obvious reasons. "I’m a Badger so school spirit is pretty much ingrained into you on day one. The Badger W is a classic, widely recognized logo that I would wear with pride."

14. National Park Service

Location: Forearm

"It’s a symbol of place and adventure, open skies, mountaintops, and wide-open adventure." - Beth, Designer

13. Audi

Location: Base of neck

Greg would also consider tattooing the Audi logo for the symbolic nature of the mark. "The four interlocking circles represent the four companies that joined to form the original company. But for me, it represents the linking of quality, design, engineering, and experience that all are unified and all are of equal importance."

12. Beats

Location: forearm

"It is simple, strong and yet understated. Red is my favorite color so that may also be a reason I am drawn to this mark. It is concise in its shape and would sit nicely on my forearm, easily covered or displayed for everyone to see. The added bonus? It represents my husband’s and my son’s name initial." - Kitty Hart, Director of Client Experience

11. Vasque

Location: Bottom of Foot

Michelle, one of our designers and hiking aficionado, holds this brand close to her heart (and feet). "My hiking boots make me invincible. They carry me (and I carry my friends) through puddles, they allow me to walk through fire*, and most importantly, they take me through the most beautiful places in the world. *Disclaimer: this is ill-advised but very fun."

10. Pez

Location: Wrist

"As a kid, I collected PEZ dispensers and at one point had over 500. The brick candy and dispensers are nostalgic – they take me back to my childhood and a time when I got PEZ dispensers as party favors. Second, I have a bad sweet tooth so branding myself with candy would be very fitting to those who know me well." - Lucy Robb, Research and Strategy Associate

9. Target

Location: Back of neck

We can't express our love for Target enough, but Production Manager, Petra sums it up for us in a few words: "I LOVE Target - it is my happy place!"

8. The Bachelor Farmer Cafe

Our favorite local coffee shop and tattoo pick for Project and Marketing Coordinator, Maddi. "I would get the Bachelor Farmer logo tattooed on my arm so I could look at it every time I am enjoying my daily morning (and afternoon…and evening) cup of coffee. The Bachelor Farmer café mark communicates two simple things that are core to who I am: love and coffee."

7. London Underground

Location: Shoulder blade

The Tube logo brings Marketing and New Business Intern, Ellen back to the best days of college when she was living abroad in London. "I relied on this transportation system not only to get from point A to point B, but also to have time to catch up on homework, socialize with friends, draw, and people watch. I always felt at ease as well as very independent on the Tube. I also love the geometric qualities of this logo and that it is so recognizable as an international symbol of London."

6. Minnesota Vikings

Location: Back ("because I put the team on my back every week!")

Maddi's brand affinity to the Vikings and her Minnesota roots would also convince her to get this fierce tattoo. "I LOVE their mark because it communicates the tough warrior-like mentality you have to have in order to survive winters in Minnesota. I grew up with a die-hard loyalty to the Vikings, so every time I see the logo I am brought back to countless hours watching games on the couch and attending Vikings Training camp."

5. Spotted Cow

Location: Behind left ear

Ellen would also tattoo the Spotted Cow leaping cow - a nod to her Wisconsin roots. "Beyond the beer itself, I love that it reminds me of home and gathering with people I love. Plus, that agile little jumping cow is too cute."

4. Nike

Location: Ankle

If Emma, our designer had to get a tattoo logo, she would have to go with the classic Nike swoosh. "It's the gold standard in terms of powerful, simple, and expressive logos."

3. Patagonia

Location: Forearm

Aaron Keller, Managing Principal would choose our friends at Patagonia to tattoo. "A strong brand with a strong mission, I would be proud to wear this on my sleeve."

2. Otso Cycles and Moots

Location: Back of calves

We also have huge bikers amongst us, two of which both chose the same logos in the SAME location. Aaron and our Account Manager, Dave were specific about having one on each calf so they would be visible when riding. "I admire the brands adherence to quality and practical usefulness. Plus, they’re great logos!" Says Dave.

1. Indeed Brewing Company

Location: Shoulder Blade

Kayla also admires a local Minneapolis Brewery's beautiful logo and would tattoo this for the visual appeal. "While I’m not a beer drinker, I’ve always loved Indeed’s logo. If I was to get a logo tattoo for purely aesthetic reasons, the Indeed logo would be my choice. It’s a beautiful line illustration of abstracted wheat that also feels very wintery, like a snowflake."


Though the lot of us agreed tattooing a logo is not for us, this thought exercise made us consider the ways that people grow loyalties to brands. It further reaffirms our belief that a brand is not simply just the logo - it is all the memories, experiences and perceptions that we as people attach to it.

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Categories Branding

No disrespect to MC Hammer, but...

Can Touch This.